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Looking back, it's been like 1 year 7 months+ ever since I started working in GymKraft. Thanks to Dosmond that introduce me to this job!! I've met so many talented trickers, young gymnasts, good boss and colleagues that feels like my another family as well. Learned a lot of administration stuff ever since I stepped up and take control of the whole admin side (Thanks to Willie & Ben). It feels really good when you can be yourself and show every side of you to them! Even though working might be dreadful sometimes, I'm glad that I have so many nice colleagues to work with to make it more bearable.

Some cute photos taken from snow after company meeting yesterday!


My best nine on Instagram.

So basically this year...

- I travelled the most

- Gotten 2 new tattoos

- Work with a few talented photographer

- Attended my first ever music festival

- Pay increment (not a lot but better than nothing HAHA)

- Become fatter (and getting sarcastic comments)

... etc etc etc

Loving every single bit of my life even though sometimes negative thoughts make me feel like a total piece of shit :( but still, I love everyone that stayed with me and I hope the upcoming year will be even better for me and for everyone! #blessed

I'm ready for you, 2017! :)

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