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Omg, finally blogging down part 1 of my Taiwan trip after much procrastination. This is also my longest overseas trip of the year - 10D9N (17th Nov to 26th Nov) Bought the tickets pretty earlier but it's not very cheap lor, cos we didn't wait for deals/offers. Each pax is about $489 after including baggages etc.

Ours is midnight flight so we reached airport around 10 plus pm on the 16th, had our dinner at Mcdonald's and proceed with the checking in. Got 2 wifi router from ChangiRecommends for $100 - after applying 50% promo code. But the experience this time round was damn bad... There's no connection for us for almost half of the trip and I got so angry that I went to email and complain about. Apparently they say will refund 50% of the amount back to me lor, still waiting for them to process the transaction! >:(


Reached TaoYuan Airport around 5 plus in the morning, retrieve our luggage and off to Taichung! First thing - purchased the shuttle bus (Bus 705) tickets to TaoYuan HSR via UBUS Counters at their arrival lobby (T1/T2). NT30 for Adult ticket which bring you to the HSR station in 15 minutes time. Upon reaching, look for the HSR ticketing counter to buy your HSR tickets to Taichung, which takes about 45 to 50 minutes to arrive. Ticket is NT540 each, you can buy food from FamilyMart or 7-11 to eat inside also :)

First destination: Cingjing. Bought another bus ticket from the Nantou Bus counter and we alighted at the very last station - Songgang Station. The bus trip is around 2 hours, waited for our minsu driver to pick us up, collect our luggage and fetch us to Cingjing Farm.

The entrance ticket to the farm is NT160. The weather damn good so we take our time to spam pictures and chill at the windmill & swiss garden area for quite a while :)

We stayed @ 觀星園民宿 Starry Minsu for 1 night. It's the highest minsu at Cingjing and the view at night is so pretty! Booked the standard double bed room for around $131 and this includes breakfast + steamboar dinner too. Worth it! :)

Selfie inside the room. So cosy - missing it!

Steamboat dinner provided from the minsu. Damn shiok :)


Took some photos outside our room and also at the minsu balcony!

Booked the hualien minsu room + private tour driver for 4 pax + taxi from minsu to hualien train station at only $420 - so each person is only around $105. All the attractions at hualien is quite far away from one another so you definitely have to book a driver to drive you around!

Planned itinerary tour is: 合歡山武嶺 》松雪樓 》碧綠神木 》慈母橋 》燕子口 》太魯閣入口 》七星潭

As for the minsu, we stayed @ Hualien Sunrise - standard double! The lady boss is from HongKong and she's really friendly :) The driver is liased by the lady boss so I don't have the contact number haha, if anyone interested can consider!

Spent the night at 东大门 Dongdamen Night Market. Yes, the name is exactly like Korea's dong dae mun. It used to be 2 separate nights markets but now they combined into one and they have 4 different side of exits.


Woke up half an hour earlier to reach the train station but damn sad cos the direct train tickets from hualien to taichung is fully sold out. Next timing is damn late and no seats (4 hour plus ride) so we decided to take the sightly troublesome way. Train to Taipei then go Taichung again.... LOL a bit stupid la but no choice haha. End up reaching 45 minutes later than planned and we get to sit down so it's not that bad la hor.

Dragged our luggages from the station to Moon Lake Hotel. Spent 2 nights there and definitely won't stay this hotel again. The bed is so hard and the interior of the room is really old. But what to expect la cos 1 night is only like $40 plus or something. #goforcheap that's why like that HAHA.

Too bored during train ride = Time for selfie.

With Bae.

Rest a while at the room and we went to Yi Zhong Shopping Street/ Night Market before we end the day. Best fried chicken cutlet for the whole trip is at Yi Zhong Night Market. Cant find any that's better than there :P

DAY 4 - TAICHUNG (Day 2)

Booked another private driver for 1 day which cost NT3000. And we visited 彩虹眷村》中社花海》薰衣草森林》逢甲夜市.

Some shots @ Rainbow Village. You can buy their handmade merchandise as well :)

This is the Rainbow Village uncle - he's at is 90s already! The whole village is painted by him!!!

Entrance of the flower market.

Sunny day but thank god there's wind :) But..... I still become one shade darker after this... WHYYYYYYY?! (I'm already tanned enough) T_T

We went at a good timing cos it's the flower season. They're all so prettttttyyyy!

Entrance of Lavender Cottage.

Felt like we wasted our time here cos there's nothing much to see - no lavender one leh?! Even the regular flower market got nicer lavender field that here. Oh wells.

It started raining around 5 plus so we quickly go back to the car and off to our last station - Fengjia Night Market. The driver brought us to a famous Taro dessert place for a quick bite. Very yummy ^^ Didn't take until any food photo haha just busy eating and finding more food... Walk pass this massage shop so went in for a 30 mins foot massage. Sooooo shiok after that hehe! Personally I feel that Yi Zhong's food stall sell nicer food than Fengjia. Haha.

That's all for the my Part 1 of Taiwan trip. Stay tune for Part 2~~

Thank you for reading xx


If you're interested to read my short entry for HongKong and KL, you can refer to the dayre link below! :)

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